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Whisper AiML

Voice Call Insights & AI Transcription

Voice Call Insights & AI Transcription

Regular price $300.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $300.00 USD
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Turn customer calls into actionable data insights with machine learning

Identify and extract important signals from unstructured voice calls at scale. Voice Intelligence brings call transcription and AI-powered language operators together in a single powerful tool.

Connect to any US phone network — AT&T, Verizon, T-Mobile, VoIP lines, PBX, or call center — and transform customer calls into actionable data insights with machine learning. 

No Long Term Contracts. Cancel Anytime.

Uncover valuable business intelligence from your voice calls


Quality management

Replace random call selection with automated, data-driven processes to improve operational efficiency and agent performance.

  • Analyze 100% of calls
  • Give QA teams the tools to uncover key insights in near real time
  • Prioritize scalable initiatives like targeted agent scripting campaigns
  • Leverage call transcripts to analyze, measure, and improve agent performance
  • Make and measure incremental changes to improve the customer experience

Quality management in a call center setting.

Lead management

Extract insights from customer conversations to score and prioritize leads, track campaign effectiveness, and supercharge your sales pipeline.

  • Turn metadata into meaning by reconciling voice call data with customer behavior
  • Activate intelligence from call recording data to improve campaigns and ROI
  • Recapture potential lost revenue with fresh insights on lead scoring and prioritization


Identify and mitigate regulatory compliance risks with automated personal information (PII) redaction to ensure secure and shareable data.

  • Manage sensitive call data with automated personal identification redaction
  • Identify compliance related phrases such as “Do not call”
  • Flag calls automatically that may violate internal and regulatory rules
  • Automate compliance validations to stay on the right side of regulations

Customer voice

Build more productive and personalized voice experiences for your customers.

  • Enhance customer profiles to increase lifetime value
  • Detect upsell and cross-sell opportunities for greater revenue
  • Cut customer acquisition costs and reduce churn
  • Identify key words and common threads from customer interactions

How does WhisperAiML Voice Intelligence work?

Take previously inaccessible voice call data and turn them into useful content that unlocks consistent, scalable, and highly personalized experiences.

 Screenshot of a customer service call transcript with an agent from Assurance. The agent, named Jack Yoo, is a licensed agent in Mississippi, greeting the customer. The customer, James Tyler, is inquiring about a quote for a supplement plan. The conversation timestamp shows it's at the beginning of the call.

Turn voice calls into highly accurate transcripts

• Benefit from best-in-class accuracy for speech recognition

• Pull in 3rd-party recordings

• Improve customer insight value over time with adaptive transcription models

• Support for English, Spanish, French, Polish, Dutch, Italian, German, Thai, Russian, Portuguese, Catalan & Ukrainian available now—additional new languages added weekly.

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